Partner with Prairie Public Education Services to provide educational resources and activities to families in your community. We are excited to offer you early childhood learning resources available through the Prairie Public Learning Express.
Prairie Public Learning Express is a mobile trailer that travels to childcare centers, schools, and libraries across our region — free of charge! These services help us fulfill our mission to educate, involve, and inspire the people of the prairie region.

What is Prairie Public Learning Express?
Prairie Public Learning Express is a free resource that travels directly to schools, childcare centers, and libraries.
The Learning Express trailers are packed with kits, games, and activities for schools and communities to use at their own learning events. The Learning Express helps educators cultivate empathy, resiliency, cooperation, kindness, and other skills, providing a foundation to help reduce classroom disruptions, increase student self-regulation, and increase overall student success.

How It Works
Schools across the prairie region can reserve one of our Learning Express trailers for their family nights or school events. Reserving a Learning Express trailer is completely free, and reservations can be made for one or two weeks at a time. A Prairie Public staff member will bring the trailer to the school, and come back after your event to pick it back up!