Bin 9: Puzzle Globe

It's a whole new spin on learning about geography! The puzzle globe bin (with two sets) is designed to help even pre-K learners investigate the continents, the oceans, famous landmarks, different kinds of animals, and so much more. The globes measure 8” in diameter; the largest piece (Asia) measures 5¾”L. Recommended for children age 3+.
Early Learning Standards Met:
North Dakota - Social Studies, Social, and Emotional Development.
Minnesota - Cognitive Development: Mathematics, Science and Social Systems, Social and Emotional Development, and Approaches to Learning.
Do Together
Ideas for how to use this bin:
- Take out the pieces of the globe.
- Can you find where each continent belongs?
- Name each continent as you place it back.
- Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth! Can you find it?
- Asia has the highest mountain, Mount Everest. Can you find it?
Watch or Play Together
Use this media connection to spark interest, model skills and approaches, or explore a concept:
- EPIC Earth | NASA (Video 0:49)
- What is a Country? | Let's Go Luna! (Video 0:54)
- Map It! (Video 1:29)
Talk and Wonder Together
Maximize learning using these prompts during or after the activities:
- What makes a globe different from a map?
- What is the largest continent? The smallest?
- Where do you live? Where is your family from?
- Where would you like to visit? Why?
- What would you name a new continent or country?
- Spin the globe and point to a place. What do you think life is like there? What languages do people who live there speak? What kind of animals live there?