Growing Together
Professional Development Course
Summer 2022 (Online)
Course Description
Join Prairie Public and the North Dakota Council of Teachers of English to grow your teaching tool kit in this collaborative yet personalized professional development! Focusing on our theme of "Making Media Matter," we’ll talk about how to READ, USE, and CREATE media in the classroom. From reading videos to creating vlogs, blogs, and podcasts; from designing graphics to analyzing ANY kind of text, we’ll explore fundamental skills and tools to enhance your classroom. You’ll get ideas and inspiration from other teachers in our FOUR virtual meet-ups, then have supported time to explore resources and create your own lessons in our hands-on labs. You’ll leave the course with resources, activities, and lessons ready for the school year. Come grow together.
Course Objectives
- Gain practical ideas and lesson plans, engage in hands-on learning, and explore sample media projects you can implement in your classrooms.
- Connect with other teachers across the region, fostering collaborative relationships.
- Develop, model, and share media literacy, media creation, and storytelling tools, techniques, and resources.
Course Registration
Sign up here to be added to the course Zoom and Google Classroom.
Continuing Education Registration
Sign up through the links below to register for continuing education credit ($50).
Dickinson State University
Valley City State University
North Dakota State University
University of North Dakota
Virtual Meeting Schedule*
Wednesday, June 15, 9am CT
Wednesday, June 22, 9am CT
Wednesday, June 29, 9am CT
Wednesday, July 20, 9am CT
*Times subject to change based on input from class!
About the Instructor
Darcy Bakkegard is an English/Theatre teacher and professional development coach who got tired of traditional sit-n-get PD. Now she creates the type of professional development she always wanted.
With 10 years of experience teaching English and Theatre, Darcy specializes in interactive strategies for the classroom, meaningful tech integration, and building relationships with students. Darcy is an ISTE Certified Educator, an experienced international presenter, and an empowerer of teachers. She loves helping teachers rekindle their spark for teaching and helping them make PD meaningful.
Darcy will be assisted throughout the duration of Growing Together by several educators, including Prairie Public Education Services staff and members of the North Dakota Council of Teachers of English.
Contact us with any questions by phone at 701-239-7575 or by email at education@prairiepublic.org