Support FAQ
Become a member using our secure online pledge forms. You also may become a member by contacting our membership department at 800-359-6900, or by mailing your contribution to one of the addresses below:
U.S. residents Prairie Public Broadcasting, 207 N 5th St, PO Box 3240, Fargo, ND 58108.
Canada residents Prairie Public Television (Manitoba), Inc., PO Box 2640 STN Main, Winnipeg, MB R3C 9Z9.
Your financial support is sincerely appreciated, and in return, we will strive to give you quality television and radio programming that educates, involves, and inspires you. Please do not hesitate to call us at 800-359-6900 if we can be of assistance.
Contributions to Prairie Public are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Your gift is deductible for the amount of your contribution minus the fair market value of any thank-you gift(s) you receive. Tax receipts are issued at the end of January for contributions made during the previous calendar year. All Canadian residents who contribute to Prairie Public will receive a tax receipt from Prairie Public Television (Manitoba), Inc. United States residents who make gifts totaling $250 or more, or who make gifts totaling $75 or more and acquire a thank-you gift, will receive a tax receipt from Prairie Public Broadcasting, Inc. Other donors may request a receipt by contacting our membership department at 800-359-6900 or logging into their Prairie Public MyAccount.
Yes, our Sustainer membership offers the convenience of ongoing monthly contributions via your credit card or directly from your checking account. By choosing to be a Sustainer, you provide Prairie Public with the continuing support needed to secure the future of your favorite programs, and ensure that new programs and services are made available to our entire region.
Yes. You can update your payment information securely on your Prairie Public MyAccount or online on our website here. Please note that due to the security of our credit card system, we no longer store credit card numbers. If you are updating your expiration date, we’ll need your card number as well.
If your address is in Canada, you will be charged in Canadian funds.
Your Prairie Public membership is active for 12 months and is renewable on the anniversary of your gift. Two months prior to the expiration of your membership, you will receive a mailing asking you to continue your support. In an effort to save paper and postage from subsequent reminders, please consider responding as soon as possible.
Cue is Prairie Public’s quarterly newsletter. Members receive a subscription to Cue as a benefit of basic membership and higher.
MyAccount is Prairie Public’s online member account. MyAccount is an easy, online, secure place where you can find a history of your support to Prairie Public, change your address, update your contribution information, print your yearly tax deduction receipt and more.
Often, particularly with Canadian mail, your renewal and our reminder will cross in the mail. If you mailed your renewal contribution within the past two or three weeks, please disregard the reminder.
During your membership year, you may receive a request—either by mail or by telephone—for an extra contribution in addition to your renewal gift. Responding to these requests is optional. Many members like to send extra contributions during their membership year to help keep valuable programs on the air.
Prairie Public has two membership programs: television membership and radio membership. When you receive mail from us, the type of membership will be indicated in the letter and on the reply form. Members from the United States often contribute to both our television and radio services, and, therefore, have both television and radio accounts. If you’re unsure of which or how many memberships you have, please call our membership department at 800-359-6900.
Sometimes we have special gifts, such as a coffee mug or a DVD, available during our on-air membership drives, as our way of saying “thank you” to members for their support. These gifts are available at designated pledge levels. If you are expecting a thank-you gift, please expect delivery within six to eight weeks of your contribution. Please be aware that, by law, the fair-market value of your thank-you gift(s) will be deducted from your contribution amount on your tax receipt.
If you’ve contributed an amount that qualifies you for a gift in the past year and you didn’t receive a gift then, you may request a gift. Please call us at 800-359-6900 for information.
Tickets are mailed separately from acknowledgement letters, and are usually mailed four to six weeks prior to the event date. If you have not received your ticket close to the event, please call Siobhan at 800-359-6900, ext. 585 to let us know.
Prairie Public Broadcasting’s web site adheres to a strict policy for ensuring the privacy of your and your children’s personally identifiable information and preserving the integrity of this online medium. Prairie Public Broadcasting’s Privacy Policy applies to all users of its services. Prairie Public Broadcasting will not sell its donor lists at any time, and will exchange them only with non-profit groups under certain stipulations. Let us know if you prefer not to be included at 800-359-6900. The trust of Prairie Public Broadcasting’s members and of the public at large is a high priority for Prairie Public and our policy on use of membership lists reflects the belief that we are a public service accountable to the public.
Prairie Public relies on dedicated people to volunteer for a variety of duties, from answering phones during membership drives to assisting with special events and projects throughout the year. Volunteering is a great way to get an insider’s view of public television and public radio and to meet new friends with common interests. For more information about these opportunities, contact our office at 800-359-6900.
Yes! You can donate your unwanted car, boat, or truck to help support Prairie Public. When you donate a vehicle to Prairie Public, we’ll use the proceeds to bring you all the programs you enjoy. To start your vehicle donation, click here or call 844-440-6900 and say you want to donate your vehicle to Prairie Public. This vehicle donation program is available to both U.S. and Canadian residents.
Yes, you can make a bequest to Prairie Public Broadcasting through your will or living trust by designating a percentage of your total estate, the residue, a portion of the residue, or a specific dollar amount. Find out more under planned giving.
Many companies, including those listed below, match contributions their employees make to Prairie Public. It’s a terrific way to make your investment in Prairie Public go even further. Check with your employer’s human resources department—some employers match dollar-for-dollar; some double or even triple employee contributions. Simply obtain the form from your employer, complete your portion and forward it to our membership department. It’s that easy—and makes a big difference!
Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services
Aetna Foundation
Caterpillar Foundation
Genworth Foundation
IBM Corporation
John Deere
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Otter Tail Corporation
Program Pfizer
Tesoro Foundation, Inc.
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
US Bancorp
Prairie Public giveaways adhere to North Dakota sweepstakes and contest rules. Donations are not required to enter any Prairie Public giveaways. All giveaways are limited to one entry per person. Duplicate entries are deleted prior to winner selection. All entries are saved in spreadsheet where they are assigned a randomized number using random.org Random Sequence Generator. The winner is selected through an additional running of the sequence generator. The first listed number on the randomized list is selected as the winner, and the second and third listed numbers are considered back-up winners if the winner declines the prize. Prairie Public employees, board of directors, and their immediate family members are not eligible to win.
For more information about membership, contact:
Prairie Public Broadcasting, Inc
207 5th St N
PO Box 3240
Fargo, ND 58108-3240
Tax ID: 45-0276899
Prairie Public Television (Manitoba), Inc
PO Box 2640
Winnipeg, MB R3C 4B3
Charitable #: 119097913 RR0001